I felt my situation was unique to my brand, but now realize it is common in the wine sales world; I had an established distribution network for many years that was not moving the needle required to grow and thrive in an increasingly competitive market. As distributors are requiring more of suppliers: partnering, brand differentiation and messaging are key. LWC is adept at distilling the information to define the message with clarity and conveying it to all parties along the distribution chain. We have seen distribution grow in the most challenging of times through consistent and persistent communication with our partners, while sticking to the fundamentals of salesmanship. With LWC’s deep and nuanced understanding of the intricacies of the wine market we have provided tools and messaging that facilitate sales efforts with our distribution partners, resulting in a mutually beneficial relationship, with easily accountable results. This approach has made Titus a rapidly growing priority for most of our distributor partners.
Eric Titus, Titus Vineyards